



Doctor of Ministry in Missions, 2008, Columbia International University 

President, East-West Ministries International


库尔特·纳尔逊 is president of East-West Ministries International, a non-profit, mission organization. His CIU doctoral dissertation involved the study of an undisclosed country in the Caribbean where he has ministered for over 16 years. The country is unnamed because of political opposition to the gospel there.


As the local pastor and I entered the broken, 荒凉的社区, I was overwhelmed by God’s work among the people of this Caribbean barrio. As we walked the streets, we met Elena in one of these rustic neighborhoods. 她以前听过福音, 这给她留下了深刻印象, but Elena had not personally turned her life over to Christ. Elena was held captive by the covenant she had made with the idols of the Santería religion — a local religion that blends African voodoo practices and Catholicism.

Elena had Santería idols hidden in her home, and now, they were haunting her. She even wore a bracelet made of yellow beads which symbolized the covenant to Santería that she had made. 在半夜, 当她的家人熟睡时, an oppressive spirit woke her as if it was trying to suffocate her. She felt hopeless and didn’t know where else to turn but to God. 当她向他呼喊的时候, she felt the evil spirit move away from her, and the little puppy at her feet woke up very agitated and began to bark. And then suddenly, the evil spirit left, and the night was filled with peace. Inexplicably — she immediately felt compelled to go outside and to fill the pool she kept on her front porch with water – and then she returned to bed.

We met Elena the following day after this had taken place. 当我们和她分享福音时, she instantly knew that she wanted to fully commit her life to Christ this time. Elena prayed to receive Christ and then immediately tore the yellow-beaded bracelet from her wrist. She gathered her Santería idols and handed them to the pastor to destroy for her. 在几分钟内, the local pastor baptized Elena in the small pool she had mysteriously filled with water the night before.

What happened the next day confirmed the genuine, newfound faith that had invaded Elena’s heart less than 24 hours before. Three of her neighbors stopped by her home, and Elena led all three to faith in Christ! 然后, 她自愿地, Elena went to the local Communist Party headquarters and resigned her post as the neighborhood block captain. She told the local authorities that she was dedicating the rest of her life to serving God.

Jesus literally set this “captive” free right before my very eyes!

After 16 years of carrying the gospel to the people of this Caribbean country, I still cannot get over the inestimable privilege we have as Jesus’ followers to obey His command to “be My witnesses … to the uttermost parts of the earth.”

God has given me the opportunity to see thousands from this country come to know Christ as their Savior. 除此之外, I have seen God’s hand lead these new believers to become disciples, 布道者, 牧师和教会植堂者. A rapid church planting movement is taking place in this nation because of the openness and desire for the gospel among these people.



